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If you have an adoption story in your family, consider MedGenyx as a stepping stone to knowing more about YOUR DNA and how it may impact prescribing medications now and in the future.

Our adoption story:

On August 28th, 1941, Robert "Bob" Harold Rath was born. Bob was the father to the CEO/Founder of MedGenyx, Theresa (Rath) Johnson.

Bob was adopted as an infant and was raised as an only child by a loving family.

Bob was always fascinated by the physical similarities that his own children shared with him. This was likely due to the LACK of similarities between himself and his adoptive parents.

Theresa grew up keenly aware of her "Rath" characteristics. She did a research paper in high school about Nature vs Nurture and the fascinating stories of the similarities of twins that had been separated at birth.

MedGenyx has become a culmination of Theresa's career as a pharmacist and her fascination with genetics. Identifying the parts of our DNA that play an integral role in how we metabolize medication will soon be a standard of care.